ABC News Names @ChiefKeef As A Reason For Chicago’s High Rate Of Violence. What Do You Think?


    With the murder rate in Chicago rising on a daily basis, everyone is scrambling for a reason why. Well Diane Sawyer and ABC News might’ve found an easy scape goat, Chief Keef.

    Chicago’s latest hip-hop sensation and face for all criticism was named in a recent ABC news report called “Inside the Gang Wars,” as a reason for some of the violence in Chicago right now. Sawyer and ABC news had a town hall discussion with kids, members of the clergy and others to discuss the source of the problems in Chicago right now. In the In the report Chief Keef is mentioned, along with his lyrics about not snitching as a reason for the continued violence. What does Chief Keef have to do with the rise in violence in the city is beyond me. I do think it’s a great discussion to have though. Watch the report and tell us what you think.

    [kkytv id=”Ag7JseqFqoA”]

    Hip Hop Enquirer|

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