You Sank My Battleship: @BarackObama stands strong on foreign policy while @MittRomney crumbles under pressure (Video inside)


    Tonight was a landslide like the first debate. Unlike the first debate though, the winner this time in a runaway was Barack Obama. Tonight was the last debate before the election, and there was a lot of pressure on the President to replicate his last performance. That he did, in spades.

    The topic tonight was foreign policy. The location was Boca Raton Florida. The outcome was quick. President Barack Obama attacked Mitt Romney swiftly, targeting Mitt Romneys shaky foreign policy. By the end of the night, we knew who was the winner and we knew who needed to get back in the campaign trail.

    Barack stood tall on what he has already done while in office. He spoke about assiting in the liberation of Libya and Egypt.  He reminded us about the killing of Osama Bin Laden. He laid out his plan on how he will continue to deal with China. He spoke like he was a challenger and not the sitting President. He put Mitt Romney on the defensive and at the end the of the day, he wasn’t ready to play ball against the home team.  Mitt on the other hand was left standing still with no real plan on how to handle foreign affairs and no real way to deal with the President tonight.

    The debate started out cordial. Each smiled and greeted each other before the actual debate commenced. After the smiles and handshakes, we got down to business. It got ugly real quick.

    Several times during the debate, we saw the Barack Obama that we were expecting to see from the beginning. He was aggressive when speaking to Mitt Romney when confronting him about past comments (i.e. saying Russia was our biggest Geo-political threat) to how Mitt Romney has not laid out a real plan (‘Your strategy has been all over the place.) Mitt responded when he could, but for the most part he was left sitting confused. In Mitt’s defense, when it came to the economy, he was strong. He didn’t give any particulars, but he was more in control when he spoke about that than foreign policy.

    The night was highlighted by the comments and remarks leveled at Mitt Romney by Barack Obama. When speaking about how Mitt would increase the military, Barack interrupted him by stating that “I’m not sure how much you know about the military, but we don’t need any more horses and bayonets.”

    By the end of the night, Barack looked like the clear victor, where Mitt looked like somebody who needed to brush up on his policy a little bit more. With that said, there’s way more to go. Over the next few weeks, we’ll see Mitt trying to down play the last two debates, while Barack tries to rile up his core base to get out. The next few weeks will be entertaining to say the least.

     [kkytv id=”tecohezcA78″]

    Hip Hop Enquirer|

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