Judge Says, “Wait Hol’ Up”… Kat Stacks Gets Those Brakes Pumped On Her Prison Release (Video Inside)


    Kat Stacks

    Kat Stacks, ex-hip-hop groupie was about to get out of prison, but the judge will not let her go — yet. Finally, Stacks Twitter-announced that she would be released from jail over prior deportation-related charges. This is the same Kat Stacks who would hop on Twitter with her priceless videos of drug usage around her son, and pictures of her sexual encounters and celebs.

    Well, unfortunately, this Christmas there was an issue with Kat’s legal process, and its keeping her locked up a little later than expected. Check out what she tweeted on December 21st.

    Kat Stacks tweet 2 Yeah, so she went from that to this on December 26th:

    Kat Stacks tweet 1

    That’s gotta be a bummer.

    Just recently a non-profit organization called Dream Activist ignited a campaign for the inmate called “Kat’s freedom”. She made claims that she was brought to the U.S. at the age of 8 and then supposedly kidnapped and forced into sex trafficking at the age of 14. She also claims that at the age of 19, she was reunited with family, and to cope she started her vicious hip hop groupie persona “Kat Stacks”.

    Well, reports from the Dream Activist group say that, her Twitter persona was enough for the judge to get her deported. Back in August, Kat’s mom even asked Barack Obama for her freedom.

    November 4th marked the second year Kat has been in prison. What do ya’ll think about her release? Is hip hop ready?

    Remember this? Check out the interview of Kat Stacks on 107.9 considering herself a “prostitute”.

    Hip Hop Enquirer Magazine | Follow us @hiphopenquirer

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