A Paradigm Shift in Leadership for The Black Community
Words by: Renee Gardner, Associate News Editor
Are the New Black Panthers ready for a young fresh face to lead the coalition? According to various inside sources, the New Black Panther leader, Malik Zulu Shabazz, has decided to step down from his leadership position with the NBPP and Min. Hashim Nzinga will take over as the new head of the organization.
Last year, Min. Hashim Nzinga made headlines for announcing a $10,000 bounty for the capture of killer George Zimmerman in the death of slain teenager Trayvon Martin and for his arrest in Gwinnett County, Georgia for allegedly selling a handgun at a Dekalb County pawn shop days after accepting a plea deal in Gwinnett County for writing a bad check.
In a passionate and fiery speech, attorney Malik Zulu Shabazz Speaks with College
Students About the Importance of Student Activism
However, prosecutors decided to dismiss the gun charges against Nzinga after they acknowledged that he was never told he could not possess a firearm after his plea deal.

Just a few weeks before his announcement, Shabazz participated in a highly anticipate debate with a young leader, Amun-Re Sen Atum-Re, also known as Bro. Polight, on the idea of sovereignty for Black people under white supremacy. Amun-Re Sen Atum-Re (Brother POLIGHT) is the Nu-Covenant’s Supreme Grand Apperception Nysu,author of 82 plus books and fluent in 8 languages – all at the age of 30.
“If we killed all the white people in the world, we will still have black people problems.” – Bro. Polight
While Polight combated Shabazz’s message of hating white supremacy and educating our people to deal under white supremacy, the thirty year-old Nu Covenant leader revealed realistic strategies and prerequisites to help deliver the Black community from their inflicted citizenship in the Unites States.
“You decide which ones makes more sense, which is more practical and more logical to accept.” – Malik Zulu Shabazz
Both preach black power, but judging from the debate, Polight seems to be more about action while Shabazz focuses on complaining about current issues that plague our communities. Polight even goes as far as using his 16-year old home schooled daughter who is preparing to further her education to study astrophysics.
Did Polight reveal truths to Shabazz that made him reconsider his position, or did Malik realize his ideals were a bit outdated for our current situation? What does this mean for the future of the New Black Panther party?
Take a look at an excerpt from the hour-long debate above, and share your thoughts below.
“We’re dealing with a whole new dilemma and phenomenon in 2013. We have to wake up and realize we can’t use those old templates for 2013… Let’s demonstrate what black power is.” – Bro. Polight
HHE has confirmed that Attorney Malik Zulu Shabazz did officially stepped down as leader of the organization and has assumed the role of President of Black Lawyers for Justice. For information on the organization, go to: www.blfjustice.org or follow them on twitter @blacklawyerfj
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