Who They Think They Are Fooling? Mimi and Nikko Says No “Plans” for 2nd Sex Tape


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    Reality television has all the drama, comedy, and suspense that you could ask for, but something is missing—THE REALITY.  While reality shows have taken over the primetime market, one has to laugh as sitcoms have been replaced with low budget acting and soap opera-ish plots.  Reality television may have sitcoms in a decline, but TV show characters are at an all-time high.  Perfect example being Love & Hip Hop Atlanta stars Mimi Faust and Nikko.  You can’t tell me that those two aren’t feeding us lines.

    The LHHA couple’s sex tape is another fine example of acting, from the actual making of the tape to its release.  I’m just not convinced. 

    Again we find Mimi and Nikko eating up the spotlight as they appear on Vlad TV to discuss the possibility of putting out another sex tape.  As the couple dismisses the possibility of a second planned sex tape, they did not say it out was out the question at some point down the road, especially if the money is right. While Mimi claims that the they’re not porn stars, I have to question what her definition is, because I see two people who “starred” in a “porn” and made “money” from it as a result. 

    Check out the Mimi and Nikko conversation below and don’t worry, they keep their clothes on in this video.    

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