Chris Brown Is That Baby’s Daddy But…..


    Karrueche Is Not Staying Around To Change No Damn Diapers

    0606-chris-brown-karuuche-fameflynet-3Looks like Chris Brown has another lady in his life. The controversial singer now is a baby daddy with a 9-month-old daughter. The mother, a 31-year-old named Nia Gonzalez who some have classified her as an Instagram “model,” states that her and Brown are on good terms but are not romantically involved anymore and have been friends for years.

    According to TMZ, Brown is happy about being a father. It is also unknown what amount of support Chris Brown has agreed to pay his baby mama.

    The big news came just a week after Chris mentioned his dream of impregnating his current girlfriend Karrueche Tran during an interview with The Breakfast Club.

    “I’m cool with two, one is fine, if on the first try it’s a boy,” Chris told the hosts of The Breakfast Club. From that statement alone it seems that Chris either wasn’t being truthful about him knowing of his new seed or the news was just popped on him.

    It doesn’t appear that Karreuche is taking the news that well because just within the hour she has taken to her twitter page to express her displeasure in learning of the child:

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    Sounds like this might be the straw that broke the camel’s back and their relationship might be over for good.

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