Here is a Tip….No More Tipping in New York City Restaurants



    If you are a waiter or waitress in New York City, making money just became that much more difficult. CEO Danny Meyer of Union Square Hospitality Group has decided to eliminate tips from 13 New York restaurants. The idea behind this move is that Meyer feels the practice of tips is unfair to the kitchen staff. Especially the cooks who Meyer says do much of the important work in restaurants.

    Danny Meyer released this statment:

    Recently, our entire company has been engaged in a robust conversation about how we can provide even more meaningful career opportunities and advancement for our 1,800 employees. It has become increasingly clear to us that a major obstacle in this endeavor is the practice of tipping.

    There are countless laws and regulations that determine which positions in a restaurant may, and may not share in gratuities. We believe hospitality is a team sport, and that it takes an entire team to provide you with the experiences you have come to expect from us. Unfortunately, many of our colleagues — our cooks, reservationists, and dishwashers to name a few — aren’t able to share in our guests’ generosity, even though their contributions are just as vital to the outcome of your experience at one of our restaurants.

    The idea is pretty ridiculous and while a staff should be treated the same, waiters and waitresses are front and center of a customer’s dining experience.

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