Kelly’s Back! Album Review: Here I Am



Lyrics B- Flow B- Beats C+ Originality C- Grade C

Do you Remember Destiny’s Child? Do you remember arguing who was the best looking singer out of the group? True, Beyoncé would be the favorite majority of the time but Kelly Rowland was my personal favorite. I must have been up to something because beside Jay-Z’s wifey, Kelly was the only artist to survive the entirety of Destiny’s Child.

She even maintained a solo career after the demolition of the group with a number of singles and two solo albums. Here I Am is her third output on the solo train and Kelly’s solo career has gone a different route than her career with Destiny’s Child.

Her material seems to be quite bland, dry, and unoriginal. It’s as if she is in her own world looking in on what other artist are doing, and then decides to jump back in the music game and put her own spin on what’s going on in R&B.

Here I Am does have a few stand-out tracks, yet they would be just average on an album composed by a so called “diva”. The lead track “I’m Dat Chick,” features Kelly bragging, “I’m not tacky, I just love myself,” and declaring that she’s “putting on a show so you can check me out.” From the beginning this album lacks the substance that would be expected from a veteran.

“Feelin’ Me Right Now” is another song that has good intentions but somehow took a wrong turn. The concept is focused on Kelly falling in love with her reflection in the mirror. This song may be somewhat confusing; one might think she is talking to another female hinting that she has an inner freak that is interested in women. This would not be a bad thing!

As the album progresses you run into songs like “Down for Whatever” which has Europe written all over it. There’s also “Lay It On Me” feat. Big Sean that is radio ready but won’t crack the top 20 like “Motivation” with Lil Wayne , which is the best song on the album.

Overall, this was a letdown for a comeback album for our beloved Kelly. The BET Awards slightly hyped her up a bit after that wonderful performance.  It’s too bad she can’t perform every song on this album, that would have been her last hope.

Here is the track listing for Here I Am:

1. “I’m Dat Chick”
2. “Work It Man” feat. Lil Playy
3. “Motivation” feat. Lil Wayne
4. “Lay It on Me” feat. Big Sean
5. “Feelin’ Me Right Now”
6. “Turn It Up”
7. “All of the Night” feat. Rico Love
8. “Keep It Between Us”
9. “Commander”
10. “Down for Whatever”


11. “Heaven & Earth”
12. “Each Other”
13. “Motivation (Rebel Rock Remix)” feat. Lil Wayne
14. “Commander (Urban Remix)” feat. Nelly

Follow Al on Twitter: @TheKidSpoon & @HipHopEnqMag


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